Greetings on Memorial Day


Date: May 26, 2014
Issues: Veterans

My Fellow Americans,

Today we honor and celebrate our fallen heroes whose sacrifices have made America the greatest nation on earth, and the envy of the world. It is because of these brave men and women that we are able to enjoy the freedoms, liberties, and abundance of opportunity our country has to offer.

The freedom we all enjoy came at a very high cost, and so today we pause and remember America's heroes.

We must never take for granted the sacrifices of these heroic men and women. We must always protect our hard-fought liberties that make America the greatest nation on earth. And, we must preserve the memory of those who have gone before us to ensure America is the land of the free and a nation of opportunity.

May you spend time today with family and friends giving thanks for our veterans and fallen heroes, and honor their memories by telling our service men and women a sincere thank you today.

May God bless you and your family, and may God bless America.


Vince Coakley
